
We often do totally unplanned shoots, just meet up with a model and just have a basic idea what the styling and location will be. We do this a lot but most of the time it’s with girls or guy that we already know. The reason for this is simple. For us it’s practice. Because our main passion is weddings and as everyone knows weddings never go as planned. There is always something happens that no one has any control over. We are often faced with not the best locations nor the best light. So this is were our fashion test shoots come in. Since most of the time we don’t plan much, maybe just the styling we don’t have a set location. Often the location may not even match the styling or the light just isn’t right, we must quickly adopt. We may decide to change locations to something nearby, change our lighting source or change the look of the light from soft to hard, but most of all we often do these shoots cause over time we became friends with our models and these shoots are just a lot of fun.
This one we did because Ala wanted to a shoot with an urban style relating back to 80’s jeans. We met up and went to the planned location which was a grey wall I saw on one of Ala’s instagram pictures. Well it all was good until we got there and the first major problem came up. With the winter sun being so low in Tarnów and it being a south facing high polished granite wall which worked like a mirror, we just couldn’t shoot without having things reflect in it. With the minimum equipment we had with us, we couldn’t do really anything to block out the light and shoot wide. We quickly thought of places that would give use that run down urban look that we wanted. So a sure bet was the old mechanical factory in Tarnów. There we could quickly find what we wanted and because the area is so big it’s easy to move around and have the type of light we wanted.